§ 33-166. Amendment and Termination.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Termination. Except on termination, no part of the Trust Fund may revert to the County or a participating agency or be used for any purpose other than the exclusive benefit of participants of a retiree benefit plan. If all County retiree benefit plans are terminated and all benefit claims and expenses are paid, any remaining assets in the Trust Fund relating to contributions made by the County and participating agencies must revert to the County and the participating agencies. The Trust Fund must terminate in its entirety on the earlier of the termination of all County retiree benefit plans or the depletion of the Trust Fund. Funds may partially revert to the County or participating agencies if one or more retiree benefit plans is terminated. When a County or a County-funded agency retiree benefit plan is terminated, the assets in the Trust Fund attributable to that plan after expenses and benefits have been paid must revert to the County and the participating agencies as provided in the adoption agreement. If the County terminates all of its retiree benefit plans and a County-funded agency continues to maintain at least one retiree benefit plan, the assets attributable to each County-funded agency retiree benefit plan must be transferred to a trust which meets the requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section 115.
    (b) Amendments. Any provision of this Article may be amended at any time. No amendment may:
    (1) authorize any part of the Trust Fund to be used for any purpose other than the exclusive benefit of participants of retiree benefit plans and eligible dependents; or
    (2) cause or allow any part of the Trust Fund to revert to or become the property of the County or a County-funded agency, except as provided in Sections 33-166(a), 33-167 or 33-169.
    (c) Compliance with Applicable Law. The Council may amend the Trust at any time, retroactively if required, if found necessary to conform to any requirement of State law, the Internal Revenue Code or any similar act or any amendments or corresponding regulations or applicable guidance. (, § 1; , § 1.)