§ 33A-17. Information and referral services.

Latest version.
  • (a) The Planning Board must provide information and referral services on County land use and related regulatory functions to interested members of the public. The services to be provided include technical assistance and information on:
    (1) master plans, including pending amendments;
    (2) zoning, including pending cases and pending text amendments;
    (3) subdivision control, including pending applications and amendments to Chapter 50;
    (4) growth policy and related regulatory requirements;
    (5) federal, state, and local environmental regulations; and
    (6) related administrative, regulatory, or legislative procedures applicable to the Planning Board, Office of Zoning and Administrative Hearings, Historic Preservation Commission, Board of Appeals, other County regulatory agencies, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, and County Council.
    (b) A resource library must be maintained that contains:
    (1) relevant laws, regulations, and administrative procedures;
    (2) appropriate zoning and other maps;
    (3) administrative and legislative hearing schedules;
    (4) significant administrative and judicial land use decision; and
    (5) master plans, policy documents, planning studies, and other appropriate reference materials.
    (c) All County departments, offices, and agencies must provide the planning department with:
    (1) requested materials (other than confidential documents) to ensure the availability to the public of current information; and
    (2) the location and telephone number of the person or persons to whom inquiries may be referred.
    (d) (1) In this subsection, a burial site means a physical location where human remains were buried in the earth, or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium. A burial site includes a cemetery, but does not include the sprinkling of ashes from cremated remains.
    (2) The Planning Board must maintain, and revise as appropriate, an inventory of burial sites located in the County. The inventory must:
    (A) include a map and a description of each burial site, including ownership information when available;
    (B) be made available to the public electronically; and
    (C) be updated at least annually or as information becomes available.
    (3) The Planning Board must establish a procedure for additions or exclusions to the burial site inventory. The procedures must include an outreach program. (1990 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1; Ord. No. 12-47, § 1; , § 2; , §1.)
    Editor's note-Section 33A-17 was added by § 1 of 1990 L.M.C., ch. 23. Section 2 gave a sunset date of June 30, 1993. Ord. No. 12-47, enacted on Oct. 5, 1993, amended § 33A-17 to eliminate the requirement that the Planning Board create a Citizens Land Use Information Officer but imposed a requirement on the Planning Board to provide to the public certain technical assistance and information.