§ 33B-7. Notice about pesticides to customer.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In this Section:
    (1) Customer means a person who makes a contract with a custom applicator to have the custom applicator apply a pesticide to a lawn.
    (2) New customer includes a customer who renews a contract with a custom applicator.
    (b) A custom applicator must give to a new customer:
    (1) before application, a list of:
    (A) the trade name of each pesticide that might be used;
    (B) the generic name of each pesticide that might be used; and
    (C) specific customer safety precautions for each pesticide that might be used; and
    (2) after application, a list of:
    (A) the trade name of each pesticide actually used; and
    (B) the generic name of each pesticide actually used; and
    (3) a written notice about pesticides prepared by the Department under subsection (c).
    (c) The Department must prepare, keep current, and provide to a custom applicator a written notice about pesticides for the custom applicator to give to a customer under subsection (b).
    (d) The notice prepared by the Department under subsection (c) must include:
    (1) government agency phone numbers to call to:
    (A) make a consumer complaint;
    (B) receive technical information on pesticides; and
    (C) get assistance in the case of a medical emergency;
    (2) a list of general safety precautions a customer should take when a lawn is treated with a pesticide;
    (3) a statement that a custom applicator must:
    (A) be licensed by the Maryland Department of Agriculture; and
    (B) follow safety precautions; and
    (4) a statement that the customer has the right to require the custom applicator to notify the customer before each treatment of the lawn of the customer with a pesticide. (1986 L.M.C., ch. 38, § 1; , § 1.)