Chapter 34. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. [Note]  

Article I. In General.
§ 34-1. Definitions.
§ 34-2. Regulations-Adopted.
§ 34-3. Same-Application.
§ 34-3A. Same-Floodplain regulations.
§ 34-4. Same-Certain terms defined.
§ 34-5. Same-Amendments to plumbing regulations.
§ 34-6. Same-Amendments to gas fitting regulations.
§ 34-7. Same-Violations.
§ 34-8. Who may do plumbing and gas fitting work.
§ 34-9. Gas appliance servicemen-Right to connect and disconnect appliances.
§ 34-10. Same-Registration.
§ 34-11. Same-Bond.
§ 34-12. Same-Applicability of sections 34-16 to 34-20.
§ 34-13. Administration of chapter; right of entry.
§ 34-14. Application of chapter.
§ 34-15. Violations, penalty and injunctive remedies.
Article II. Registration and Licensing of Plumbers and Fitters.
§ 34-16. License required.
§ 34-17. Issuance of license; bond of applicant.
§ 34-18. Registration generally-Fees; issuance of cards generally.
§ 34-19. Same-Qualifications for registration.
§ 34-20. Same-Registration cards to be issued to individuals only; holders to represent one firm only.
§ 34-21. Same-Cards to be carried on person.
§ 34-22. Same-Work authorized by card.
§ 34-23. Same-Transfer of card.
§ 34-24. Same-Misuse of registration.
§ 34-25. Display of license; duplicates.
§ 34-26. Licenses from other jurisdictions not honored.
§ 34-27. Expiration and renewal of licenses.
§ 34-28. Procedure when licensee changes associates, etc.
§ 34-29. Withholding permits from licensees, etc.
§ 34-30. Revocation or suspension of license; appeals.
§ 34-31. Exemptions from article.