§ 34-5. Same-Amendments to plumbing regulations.  

Latest version.
  • The plumbing regulations adopted by Section 34-2 are amended as follows:
    (a) Chapter II. In Chapter II, Title "general provisions," sections 201, 202, 204.1, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213.1.1(b), 214.3, 214.3.2, 214.3.1, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220 and 221 are deleted.
    (b) Chapter III. In Chapter III, Title "registration of plumbers," Sections 301, 302, 303.3, 303.4, 303.4.1, 303.5, 303.6, 304.3, 304.3.1, 304.4, 304.5, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313 and 314 are deleted.
    (c) Chapter IV. In Chapter IV, Title "applications and permits," section 402.2 and all of section 408.4; all subsections under 409.1; subsections 409.2 and 409.3; and under 409.4, subsections 409.4.7 and 409.4.8 only are deleted. Section 403 is amended by adding a new paragraph immediately following the first paragraph to read as follows:
    "When duplicate plans for new construction or alteration of buildings are submitted to the Department of Permitting Services under the building code, and the plans include all necessary plumbing and mechanical detail, separate plumbing plans need not be submitted under this Section. The Department of Permitting Services approves or corrects the plumbing details on the building plans, and issues the permit."
    (d) Chapter V. In Chapter V, Title "work on private property--property line to building," the following amendments are adopted:
    (1) Delete sections 502, 502.1 and 511.
    (2) Section 503.1 is amended to read as follows:
    "503.1 The plumber must not construct on private property any underground work until the Commission has built its water and sewer house connections to the property line, except as hereinafter provided. Inquiry must be made at the plumbing office as to the location of the water and sewer connections at the property line or at the Department of Permitting Services as to the location of the sewage disposal system before any water or sewer pipes are extended through building walls by the plumber. No change may be made by the Commission in the proposed location of its water and sewer connections or sewage disposal system if a plumber has placed pipes in a location that does not meet the connections. Any work done contrary to this requirement must be at the sole responsibility of the plumber making the installation and the plumber must dig up and relay, at the plumber's own expense, any work which cannot be properly connected to the public water and sewer system or to any individual sewage disposal system."
    (3) Section 504.1.2.1 is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
    "504.1.2.1 Building water services 3 inches or under in diameter shall be either Type ‘K’ copper water tubing; polyethylene, provided it complies with commercial standard C.S. 197-59, published by the Department of Commerce; ‘genuine’ galvanized wrought iron or brass pipe, of standard iron pipe gauge, or as hereinafter specified, for sizes up to and including three-inch. However, in case Type ‘K’ copper tubing is unavailable, Type ‘L’ copper tubing may be used in case of emergency. Sizes for above three-inch diameter shall be of cast iron pressure pipe, suitable for the conditions to which it will be subjected."
    (4) Section 504.2.2, Title "material," is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
    "504.2.2 Material.
    "Acceptable materials, all as hereinafter specified, for building sewers in various sizes, are as follows:
    Kind of Pipe
    Cast iron; asbestos cement; or bituminized fiber drain and sewer pipe provided it complies with commercial standard C.S-116-54 published by the Department of Commerce or Federal Specifications SS-p-356 dated April 6, 1955, published by the General Services Administration.
    Cast iron, concrete, vitrified clay or asbestos cement.
    Cast iron, concrete or vitrified clay."
    (e) Chapter VI. In Chapter VI, Title "work on private property inside building," the following amendments are adopted:
    (1) Section 604.7 is amended to read as follows:
    "604.7 Bar sinks and soda fountain sinks shall discharge indirectly as outlined above. Laboratory sinks may be directly connected to the drainage system, being properly tapped and vented, or they may discharge indirectly as outlined above. For two-inch traps the vent may be 4 feet distant (developed length); for three-inch traps, 6 feet, and for four-inch traps, 8 feet. Drip pipes from not more than 3 sinks or other waste receptacles may discharge into such a connection."
    (2) Section 604.8 is amended to read as follows:
    "604.8 Drinking fountains shall be indirectly connected."
    (3) Section 605.1.1 is amended by adding a new sentence following the word "therein" at the end of the first paragraph to read as follows:
    "Floors of such rooms shall be constructed of such material and in such manner as to be impervious to water."
    (4) Delete sections 617.6 and 617.7.
    (5) Section 618, Title "swimming pools" and all subsections thereunder are hereby deleted and there is inserted in lieu thereof the following to read:
    "618. Swimming Pools.
    "618.1 Duplicate plans for construction which are required to be submitted to the Division of Building Inspection by other County regulations must contain the layout of all piping with sizes indicated, methods of waste disposal, the sources of water supply and all other pertinent data for review by the plumbing office.
    "618.2 All work performed must comply with these regulations and the following minimum requirements must be observed:
    "618.2.1 All pools and appurtenances must be drainable by means of gravity or installed pump. The discharge must be through an air gap or adjacent to a relief point open to the air which is at a lower elevation than the pool bottom.
    "618.2.2 The disposal of waste water must be approved by the Health and Human Services Department. The plumbing office must approve waste connections to the building system or the sanitary sewer system. Connections to the sanitary sewer system must be made only from pools lined with nonsloughing material and through a pipe no larger than 2 inches in diameter. Provision must be made to direct accumulated rain water into channels other than the sanitary sewer system. In hardship cases, the plumbing office may make exceptions to this provision.
    "618.2.3 The domestic water supply or an independent water supply must be connected to the pool or its appurtenances only through an air gap, except that chlorinators may be fed from the water supply system through double check valves.
    "618.2.4 All pool water supply piping and recirculation piping up to the waste sump, except the face piping supplied with the filters, must be of copper type ‘K’; polyethylene, provided it complies with commercial standard C.S. 197-59, published by the Department of Commerce; galvanized wrought iron or cast iron. Cast iron pipe used for main drains under the pool must be
    extra heavy with leaded joints. Any piping used as channel and poured solidly into the concrete walls need not be cast iron. All piping must be drainable for winterizing purposes."
    (6) Section 621, Title "manure pits," is amended by adding a new sentence after the last word "division" thereof to read as follows:
    " This shall not apply to agricultural uses."
    (7) All of subsection 623.8 and subparagraphs thereunder are deleted.
    (f) Chapter VII. In Chapter VII, "industrial and other special wastes," the following amendments are adopted:
    (1) Section 701.1 is amended to read as follows:
    "701.1 Waste to be treated. Provision shall be made for the treatment of industrial and other special wastes."
    (2) Delete Section 702.14.
    (g) Chapter IX. In Chapter IX, Title "inspection," Section 903 is amended to read as follows:
    "903. Improper workmanship. Improper workmanship shall be remedied and unsatisfactory material shall be replaced, as ordered by the Director or plumbing division. When this has been done the work shall be again inspected before being covered. In case of failure or refusal to comply with these regulations, the Director may invoke Sections 14, 15, or 16 of the licensing ordinance. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 95-5; 1972 L.M.C., ch. 16, §§ 5, 13; 1995 L.M.C., ch. 13, § 1; 1996 L.M.C., ch. 20, § 1; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 12, § 1; , § 1; , § 2.)
    Editor's note-Section 5 of 1995 L.M.C., ch. 13, reads as follows: "Sec. 5. A regulation that implements a function assigned to the Department of Health and Human Services by 1995 LMC ch. 13 continues in effect but is amended to the extent necessary to provide that the regulation is administered by the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services."