§ 40-12A. Disclosure of Historic Designation  

Latest version.
  • (a) If any real property:
    (1) has been designated as a historic site in the master plan for historic preservation;
    (2) is located in an area designated as a historic district in that plan; or
    (3) is listed as a historic resource on the County locational atlas of historic sites, the seller must disclose that fact to each prospective buyer before the buyer signs a contract for the sale of the property.
    (b) A prospective buyer must indicate, by signing an addendum to the contract or a separate section of the contract printed in boldface type in a clearly demarcated box, that:
    (1) the seller has provided the information required by subsection (a); and
    (2) the buyer understands that special restrictions on land uses and physical changes may apply to this property, and the buyer may obtain more information about these restrictions from the staff of the County Historic Preservation Commission.
    (c) The County historic preservation staff must inform the public, by posting on a web site or another equally effective means, that the boundaries of any historic district have changed within 5 days after the change takes effect. The failure to post this notice does not invalidate any boundary change or other action. (, § 1.)
    Editor’s note, § 2, states that Section 40-12A, added by this Act, takes effect on April 1, 2002, and applies to any contract for the sale of real property signed on or after that date.