Chapter 42. Revenue Authority. [Note]  

§ 42-1. Title.
§ 42-2. Definitions.
§ 42-3. Creation; Composition; Appointment; Terms and Qualifications; Chair.
§ 42-4. Purpose.
§ 42-5. Secretary-treasurer.
§ 42-6. Compensation of members.
§ 42-7. Oath of members.
§ 42-8. Removal of members.
§ 42-9. Quorum; Meetings.
§ 42-9A. Annual report; publication of budget.
§ 42-10. Powers.
§ 42-11. Delegation of powers and duties.
§ 42-12. General regulations relative to members and employees.
§ 42-13. Six-year programs; project approval.
§ 42-14. Executive's approval of plans for proposed project.
§ 42-15. Conveyances, assignments and advances to Authority.
§ 42-16. Revenue bonds and other evidence of indebtedness.
§ 42-17. Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds.
§ 42-18. Application of bond proceeds; lien of bondholders.
§ 42-19. Credit of State and County not pledged by bonds; advances by County for deficiency in debt service requirements.
§ 42-20. Trust indentures.
§ 42-21. Rates, tolls, rents, and charges for use of projects; sinking fund.
§ 42-22. Remedies of bondholders.
§ 42-23. Contracts for construction.
§ 42-24. Deposit and audit of funds; publication of financial statement; inspection of records.
§ 42-25. Limitation or alteration of Authority's rights.
§ 42-26. Tax exemption; assessments.
§ 42-27. Investment in and deposit of Authority's bonds.
§ 42-28. Projects subject to planning, subdivision, and zoning laws.
§ 42-29. Authority to comply with building permit and other regulations.
§ 42-30. Relocation of public utilities necessitated by project construction.
§ 42-31. Acquisition of property; incumberance of property.
§ 42-32. Authority earnings.
§ 42-33. Dissolution.
§ 42-34. Constituted Authority.