The Authority is created to construct, improve, equip, furnish, maintain, acquire, operate, and finance projects to be devoted wholly or partially for public uses, good or general welfare. These projects include:
(a) projects to stimulate employment or economic growth in the County;
(b) airports and landing fields;
(c) public housing projects;
(d) housing for special age groups;
(e) health and welfare facilities, including hospitals and sanatoria;
(h) dams, impounding basins, and flood control, water supply, and sewerage disposal projects;
(i) parking facilities;
(j) highways, parkways, traffic distribution centers, and related facilities;
(k) public transportation facilities and systems;
(l) other land and buildings to be occupied by governmental or educational agencies; and
(m) other projects authorized under the capital improvements program or by resolution adopted by the Council and approved by the Executive. (1992 L.M.C., ch. 35, § 2.)
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