§ 44-2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this Article, the following words and phrases have the meanings indicated:
    Board. The Interagency Coordinating Board established by Section 44-3.
    Committee. The advisory committee established by Section 44-5.
    Director. The Director of Community Use of Public Facilities.
    Schools. Buildings and grounds, playing fields, gymnasia and associated educational facilities and equipment under the ownership and operating control of the Montgomery County board of education, including but not limited to those schools currently or in the future designated as "community schools."
    Superintendent. The superintendent of Montgomery County public schools.
    Community school council. An existing body created to provide information and advice on community needs, program development, facility use and related matters at designated "community schools" or a body as may be created in the future to perform similar functions regarding other schools or groups of schools. (1979 L.M.C., ch. 19, § 2; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 29, § 1.)