§ 44-4. Director of Community Use of Public Facilities.  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided in Section 44-4A, the Director must:
    (a) Administer the programs and activities necessary to carry out the purposes of this article;
    (b) Administer appropriated funds and explore the possibility of obtaining additional funds from non-county sources;
    (c) Provide information and guidance to community groups, municipal governments, county agencies and other users of school facilities as to ways in which such facility use could be made more cost effective;
    (d) In consultation with the board and with the approval of the chief administrative officer, employ and train community school coordinators and other necessary personnel;
    (e) Directly with individual schools or through community school coordinators (or other intermediate personnel), maintain effective liaison and consultation with school principals, community school councils and other community organizations and user groups in order to fulfill the following responsibilities, among others:
    (1) Encourage and assist in the formation of community school councils;
    (2) Schedule use of school facilities;
    (3) Under arrangements with school principals, assure general and proper supervision of non-school use of buildings and other facilities, including the engagement of appropriate on-site personnel;
    (4) Generally coordinate logistical, financial and related aspects of the after-school, evening, weekend and vacation period and other non-school use of school facilities, as may be provided in contractual or other arrangements between the county government and the board of education;
    (5) Survey community needs and develop outreach and other programs to meet those needs through optimal use of school facilities; and
    (6) Assume responsibility for needed repair or replacement of property resulting from community use;
    (f) Effect cooperation among activities under this article, community programs and activities carried on in former schools subsequently taken over by the county government and multipurpose community centers operated by the county government;
    (g) Serve as executive secretary to the board; and
    (h) Perform such other related duties as may be required. (1979 L.M.C., ch. 19, § 2; 1986 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 3; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 29, § 1; , § 6.)
    Editor's note—See County Attorney Opinion dated explaining that the County cannot refuse access to facilities based on the fact that a group has a discriminatory membership policy.
    Cross reference-Office of Community Use of Public Facilities established, § 1A-203(a).