The plan of the water resources planning board, prepared in accordance with law and the charter establishing such board, and amendments thereto shall be submitted to the county council, the county executive, the county planning board and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission for review. At least five (5) days prior to the date established for a public hearing by the county council on the plan and any amendments thereto, the county executive, the planning board and the sanitary commission shall submit recommendations thereon in writing to the county council. After receiving the recommendations of the county executive, the planning board and the sanitary commission and after public hearing, the county council may approve or disapprove the plan or amendments as they affect the county; provided, that if the plan or amendments are disapproved by the county council, the council shall submit in writing to the board the council's reasons for disapproval. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 25, § 1.)
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