§ 5-302. Special enforcement provisions regarding specific offenses.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Dangerous or potentially dangerous animals.
    (1) An animal control officer immediately may seize, impound, and humanely euthanize, at the owner’s expense, an animal that the Executive Director, an animal control officer, or the Board finds is dangerous or potentially dangerous and poses an immediate threat to public health or safety.
    (2) If the animal poses no immediate threat, the owner may, within 5 days after the County notifies the owner about the violation, appeal the violation or action to the Board and request a hearing. The County must not dispose of the animal during the 5-day period for filing an appeal, or while an appeal is pending.
    (b) Public nuisance and other violations. The Board, the Executive Director, or an animal control officer may order any action necessary to abate a public nuisance or any other violation of Section 5-203. (1999 L.M.C., ch. 10, § 1; , § 1; 2020 L.M.C., ch. 18, §1.)