§ 115. Referendum Procedure.  

Latest version.
  • Any petition to refer legislation to the voters of the County shall be filed with the Board of Elections within ninety days after the date when the legislation becomes law, provided that fifty percent of the required signatures accompanying the petition are filed within seventy-five days after the date when the legislation becomes law. When a referendum petition that contains the required signatures has been filed, the legislation to be referred shall not take effect until thirty days after its approval by a majority of the registered voters voting thereon. Expedited legislation shall remain in effect from the date it becomes law notwithstanding the filing of a petition for referendum, but shall be repealed thirty days after its rejection by a majority of the registered voters voting thereon. (Election of 11-7-78; election of 11-5-02.)
    Editor’s note—Charter § 115 is cited in Montgomery County Volunteer Fire-Rescue Association v. Montgomery County Board of Elections, 418 M.463, 15 A.3d 798 (2011), and in Doe v. Montgomery County Board of Elections, 406 Md. 697, 962 A.2d 342 (2008).