§ 12-36. Commission on juvenile justice; composition; appointment; terms; vacancy.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Commission on Juvenile Justice consists of the following 3 classes of members:
    (1) 22 voting members appointed by the County Executive, subject to confirmation by the County Council;
    (2) 12 voting members, representing each of the following: the Council, the Executive, the State’s Attorney, the Family Division of the Circuit Court, the Police Department, the state Department of Juvenile Justice, the County Office of the Public Defender, the Court Appointed Special Advocate, the Department of Health and Human Services (2 members, one representing child welfare services and one representing community-based services for at-risk youth), the Board of Education, and the Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children, Youth and Families, in each case appointed by the Executive, subject to confirmation by the Council, after receiving a recommendation from the person or office to be represented; and
    (3) nonvoting members emeritus who are past members who have given outstanding service and possess special expertise in juvenile matters. Members emeritus may be appointed by the Executive, subject to confirmation by the Council.
    (b) The term of each member is 3 years. Members serving in an emeritus, representative or ex officio capacity continue to serve so long as they retain that capacity.
    (c) When a vacancy occurs among the members, the Executive must promptly appoint a successor, subject to confirmation by the Council, to complete the unexpired term of the vacating member. A member appointed to fill a vacancy is eligible for only one subsequent full term; but if the appointment occurs during the last year of the vacant member's term, the new member may serve 2 full terms. (1981 L.M.C., ch. 36, § 1; 1996 L.M.C., ch. 26, § 1; , § 1; , § 1; , § 1.)
    Editor's note—2000 L.M.C., ch. 7, § 2, states: The members of the Juvenile Court Committee on the effective date of this Act [July 14, 2000] are members of the Commission on Juvenile Justice until the term for which each was appointed to the Committee expires.