§ 33-61. Custodian.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The director of finance is the custodian of the retirement system assets. The director must give bond with such surety and for such periods and in such amount as the board determines. All payments from the retirement system assets must be made by (i) the director of finance, (ii) a designee of the director of finance, or (iii) two (2) persons designated by the board, acting jointly. The board must file a duly attested copy of the resolution of the board designating the two (2) persons, with specimen signatures of those persons, with the director of finance to indicate their authority for making payments.
    (b) If the board approves, the director of finance may make written contracts with banks, trust companies, insurance companies or investment companies authorized to do business in any state for the safe custody of investments, banking services, the payment of benefits and expenses and any other function necessary for the management and safeguarding of the assets of the retirement system. The contract may provide that a bank, trust company, insurance company, or investment company may invest assets of the retirement system in:
    (1) Money market funds;
    (2) A short-term investment fund of a bank, trust company, or insurance company; or
    (3) Their substantial equivalent. As soon as possible after all members of the board have accepted the trust, the board must approve a written contract for the investment purposes described in this subsection.
    (c) If the board approves, the director of finance may direct the payment of benefits and expenses from a trust account of the board.
    (d) Chapter 11B does not apply to the procurement of goods and services for the retirement system by the director of finance. (1987 L.M.C., ch. 29, § 11.)